Canon 50mm 1.8 Sample Pictures – Photo’s, Images, and Test Shots
Sometimes you just want to see pictures taken with a lens you are interested in buying and that’s all there is to it. You have read the reviews, you know the price points, now you just want to see the evidence that the lens is capable of taking satisfactory pictures. I have already done my reviewing and comparison of the Canon 50mm 1.8 if you are interested. If not, I completely understand, and we should just get to the photos. Below are just a handful of pictures I have taken using the Canon 50mm f/1.8. I love the lens.Yeah, it’s loud and slow to focus, but I don’t care. It’s cheap, I can use it without a UV filter on the front, it’s really sharp, and a great low-light performer. What’s more to say. Okay Josh, get to pictures. Some of the pictures were taken on a T2i and some of the pictures were taken on a 5D Mark II, but all of them were taken using the Canon 50mm f/1.8 II. Enjoy, leave a comment, like, show some love. Our business depends on it.
If you are still wondering whether or not to buy this 100 dollar lens, stop it. Buy it. Thank me.
Are you sure all photos were taken using the Canon 50mm f/1.8 lens? The bokeh in the photo on the right of the Chicago’s photo looks too circular!
I am sure – maybe I have a good copy?
Thanks for looking. Cheers.
thanks folk. after lot of deliberation I just bought this lens.
The last photo is the same from the 100mm f2.0 review. Was it shot with the 50 or the 100?
I see that error, let me find out. Thank you for pointing that out.
Amazing pictures. This shows that the most important thing is THE EYE OF THE PHOTOGRAPHER! Of course, the lens should have a minimum quality which the 50 mm 1.8 certainly has.
Malte Dietsch