What do most people spend on a Wedding Photographer?
The average bride spends 8-12% of the wedding budget on the photographer.
Does that sound reasonable to you? The average cost of a wedding in the Chicago area is between $35,000 and $45,000 – so, if we assume the stats are true, and we use 10% as a guide, then the average wedding photographer in the Chicago region might be charging $3500-$4500. I know the totals don’t add up to 100% below – leaving out things like decorations, invitations, favors ect…\
- Reception Venue 40%
- Catering (140 guest average) 29%
- Engagement Ring 18%
- Wedding Photographer 10%
- Flowers and Decorations 9%
- Event Planner 7%
- Wedding Dress 4%
- Wedding Cake 1.5%
There is always some truth to the old adage, “You get what you pay for.” That’s doesn’t mean there aren’t some great photographers in the Chicagoland are offering photography for less than $4000 dollars. However, if you think you are going to get GREAT photography for less than $2400 you better think again. Let’s think about these numbers for a moment. Two photographers shooting for 8-10 hours, that’s 16-20 hours of shooting, and that means another 16-20 hours of editing. That’s 32-40 hours of work. That’s a full week worth of full time hours – not just one day – and they are capturing something that can NEVER be done again.
How Much does a Wedding Photographer Cost in Chicago?
The cost of a wedding photographer varies wildly. Sure, you can get on Craigslist and find someone to shoot your wedding for less than $1000 dollars. If that’s what you want, then I am not the one to stop you. We bid you good luck. There are also photographers out there who charge more than 6 thousand dollars – for those that want albums, engagements, prints ect… That’s good, choice in the market is good for the consumer. But it can be a bit frustrating; especially when so many photographers don’t list their prices. Grr.
In defense of my colleagues, it’s hard to list prices because every wedding is unique and custom packages are common. We list our basics, and the add from there; if you’d like to look at our wedding photography pricing.